BOTOX & Xeomin Treatment Hanover

Revitalizing Your Appearance

Senior man in dental chair receiving Botox injection in his forehead

When looking in the mirror, you may be surprised to see just how much your face has changed over the years. Time spent in the sun, laughing with friends and family, and even the environment can take a toll on your skin, causing it to age, sag, and become wrinkled. Although many of these lines may only appear when the muscles contract, you may feel more self-conscious about the way you look. Fortunately, with BOTOX® and Xeomin® in Hanover, our team at Dental Designs of Maryland can safely minimize the visible signs of aging (i.e., crow’s feet, forehead lines, etc.) with an injectable solution that is quick and produces fast results. Call our dental office to speak to a member of our team if you’re interested in learning more.


Why Choose Dental Designs of Maryland for BOTOX & Xeomin Treatment?

  • Experienced Facial Aesthetic Specialist on Staff
  • Personalized Treatment Plans Designed for Patients’ Needs
  • In-House Dental Program Available

How Do BOTOX® and Xeomin® Work?

Young woman receiving Botox injection in her cheek

To address your fine lines and wrinkles, we use BOTOX® and Xeomin®. As an FDA-approved solution for facial aesthetic treatment, it is a purified form of botulinum toxin, which is a neuromodulator that helps to relax the muscles in your face. Dr. Santos will inject the solution into the muscles so that it begins to relax, causing your skin to appear smoother and more supple. Undergoing this type of treatment requires little time (10 minutes), so you should not need to worry about any post-procedural downtime.

What Areas Can be Treated with BOTOX® and Xeomin®?

Cosmetic dentist gesturing to woman face after Botox and Xeomin treatment

One of the unique benefits of BOTOX® and Xeomin® is that it not only improves your facial appearance, but it can also address TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) symptoms such as migraines.

The various areas that can receive this type of treatment include:

  • Therapeutic TMD: This requires Dr. Santos to combine wet needling and therapeutic injection of the masseter, temporalis, and other muscles of the head and neck. This helps to alleviate chronic discomfort throughout the head, neck, and jaw as well as reduce migraines and orofacial pain.
  • Gummy Smile: When your upper lip muscles are overactive, we can relax them to create a more attractive, less gummy smile.
  • Brow Lift: When forehead muscles are causing your brows to appear as if they’re falling, we can provide this injectable solution to relax the area so that your eyebrows appear lifted.
  • Forehead Lines: If you have lines on your forehead that are the result of shock, awe, happiness, or sadness, we can relax the muscles for a smoother appearance.
  • Frown Lines: Those lines that form between your eyes when you frown can be easily addressed with this injectable solution.
  • Crow’s Feet: When squinting, you may notice lines forming on the outside corners of your eyes, also known as crow’s feet.
  • Bunny Lines: Immediately below your frown lines are bunny lines – those that form on the top of your nose. These can develop when scrunching your nose or smile big, they can become more visible.
  • Smoker’s Lines: If you smoke, you’ll notice lines forming around your lips. Although they are fine, they can become more set in over time.
  • Chin Dents: These are small dimples that can form around your chin but disappear with the right form of treatment.
  • Vertical Platysma: These age lines tend to form around the neck like a vertical band.

Why Choose Dr. Nina-Cecilia Santos?

Doctor Nina Cecilia Santos holding a vial of Botox

If you want a professional who is committed to providing the best facial aesthetic treatment and results, you won’t find anyone else quite like Dr. Nina-Cecilia Santos. As a highly skilled cosmetic dentist and expertly trained facial aesthetic specialist near Jessup, she received her dental education through various prestigious programs, including Spear Education and the Pankey Institute as well as advanced training through the American Academy of Facial Esthetics. Dr. Santos’ experience with neuromuscular-based dentistry extends nearly a decade, giving her the ability to diagnose orofacial pain. Her dedication to improving the smiles and facial appearances of others is evident in the results she helps her patients achieve.