Preventive Dentistry Hanover

Giving Smiles the Protection They Need

Woman receiving a preventive dentistry checkup

Maintaining good oral health and hygiene means doing more than brushing and flossing at home. It also means visiting us at Dental Designs of Maryland every six months for regular dental checkups and cleanings. It is these appointments that allow our team members to be proactive about giving your smile the protection it needs from tooth decay, infection, and damage. Offering additional solutions to combat cavities and safeguard pearly whites, we encourage you to call our office and schedule an appointment today so that we can help you take better care of your smile throughout the year with preventive dentistry in Hanover.

Why Choose Dental Designs of Maryland for Preventive Dentistry?

  • One-on-One Attention with Our Dentists
  • Enhanced Digital Imaging for Greater Accuracy
  • We Provide Comprehensive Dental Treatment for Families

Dental Checkups & Teeth Cleanings

Close up of dental mirror next to smiling mouth

Every six months, we recommend that you and your family come in for a regular dental checkup and teeth cleaning. These appointments include an oral cancer screening, periodontic (gum) exam, yearly diagnostic X-rays, a thorough cleaning, and oral hygiene education to improve at-home care. If we find that you are exhibiting symptoms of gum disease, we may suggest more frequent visits so that we can closely monitor your oral health and prevent any potential spread of bacteria.

Fluoride Treatment

Dental patient having fluoride applied to their teeth

Typically used to help children combat cavities, fluoride treatment is beneficial for adults as well. This quick and painless topical treatment helps to minimize the potential of harmful decay while also strengthening existing enamel. As “nature’s cavity fighter,” fluoride can also be found in tap water, toothpaste, and various foods.

Deep Gum Treatment

Close up of person pointing to red spot in their gums

Our team knows that your teeth are not the only important aspect of your smile. Your gums need proper attention, too, which is why we offer deep gum treatment. Also known as scaling and root planing, this two-part process is recommended if you have periodontitis – a more advanced form of gum disease that leads to bone and tooth loss as well as damage to the tissue. By using various dental technologies and equipment to remove plaque and tartar above and below the gumline and smooth out the tooth roots to prevent reinfection, we can ensure the health of your gums going forward.

Occlusal Orthotic Guards

Clear mouthguard next to blue case

A common habit you may or may not know that you practice is teeth grinding. Unfortunately, if left untreated, it can lead to increasing jaw pain and worn-down tooth enamel. This can cause sensitivity and an increased risk of decay and further damage. However, with a customized occlusal orthotic guard, we can help protect your teeth from grinding and clenching throughout the night. This unique barrier keeps pearly whites apart while you sleep so that you can enjoy a healthier, longer-lasting smile.

Dental Sealants

Illustrated teeth with dental sealants

When permanent teeth are firmly in place, dental sealants can be an advantageous form of treatment because of their ability to safeguard against tooth decay and cavity-causing bacteria. Placed on the chewing surfaces of molars, the clear coating can remain in place for up to a decade. Not only will you or your child receive greater cavity protection, but you’ll also appreciate the minimal time required to apply the sealants (it only takes 15-20 minutes)!