Dedicated Dentist Hanover

Get to Know David Levine, DDS

Hanover dentist Doctor David Levine

Dr. Levine was born and raised in Cumberland, Maryland, where he was no stranger to the dental field. His mother was a dentist, which inspired him to pursue a career in dentistry. In 2010, Dr. Levine obtained his undergraduate degree in cell and molecular biology at Washington and Jefferson College with Cum Laude honors. He then completed two years of research at the National Institutes of Health after being a recipient of the intramural research training award. Dr. Levine then attended and graduated from the University of Maryland, School of Dentistry in 2016.


In addition to being a dedicated dentist in Hanover, Dr. Levine is an active member of the community. He has participated in numerous Mission of Mercy events throughout Maryland. He also visits schools to educate elementary students about the importance of oral hygiene. In his spare time, Dr. Levine enjoys spending time with his wife, Danielle, and their puppy, Camie. He is an avid Baltimore Ravens fan and will always be wearing his purple tie on Fridays.

Dr. Levine would say that he takes pride in providing a relaxing and stress-free dental visit for his patients while also administering high-quality treatment. He understands that being in the dental chair can be a nerve-racking experience and approaches each patient with kindness and patience.