Root Canal Treatment Hanover

Eliminating the Infection to Alleviate the Pain

Woman grinning at her dentist after root canal treatment in Hanover

Each tooth contains what is known as pulp. This centralized area consists of blood vessels and nerves that signal pain when infected or damaged. While a normal toothache may be the result of a lodged piece of food or sinus congestion, an infection could be the culprit. If it reaches the pulp, the only possible solution is root canal treatment. Let our team at Dental Designs of Maryland know right away if you need help to address serious tooth pain. We’re here to provide the comfortable care you need in the form of root canal treatment in Hanover.


Why Choose Dental Designs of Maryland for Root Canal Treatment?

  • State-of-the-Art Dental Technology Used
  • Cone Beam Scanner for Enhanced Viewing & Treatment Planning
  • Dentists Who Offer Compassionate Care

What Happens During a Root Canal?

Illustrated dental instrument treating the inside of a tooth

This type of procedure requires entering the tooth and removing the pulp and any diseased areas within the structure. As a result, you must first receive local anesthesia to ensure you feel no pain throughout treatment. Once our dentists are satisfied that you are comfortable, we will isolate the tooth with a dental dam before creating a small opening in the crown. This will allow us to use specially designed instruments to clear out the canals and pulp chamber, ensuring no bacteria remain. We’ll then sterilize the area to create a healthier environment for the gutta-percha. This is a biocompatible solution that is used to fill in the space previously occupied by the pulp. After placing a filling to ensure a tight seal, we will create a customized dental crown that will sit on top of the tooth to offer maximum protection.