Advanced Dental Technology Hanover

More Accurate Results with Modernized Solutions

Dentist showing a patient a monitor with digital impression of teeth

Our dentists at Dental Designs of Maryland want to provide a place where patients can get the highest-quality care. Although traditional techniques are still commonly used in dental practices throughout Maryland, we believe in staying at the forefront, which means using modernized technology and equipment to improve patient experiences. Feel free to review the following information and call us if you have any questions about our advanced dental technology in Hanover.

Digital Dental Impressions with CEREC

Computer monitor showing a digital model of teeth

There is no need for messy, cold dental putty anymore now that we have CEREC technology. Capable of taking digital impressions of your smile, we can bypass materials that often induce patients’ gag reflexes and instead, opt for a more comfortable and accurate approach. This handheld device quickly scans your teeth and gums to produce a three-dimensional model. Viewable on a chairside monitor, we can make appropriate adjustments before allowing lab technicians to craft your customized restoration.

CT/Cone Beam Scanner

C T cone beam scanner standing against white wall

When an in-depth analysis of your oral and facial structures is required, we use our CT/Cone Beam Scanner. Taking hundreds of photos in seconds, this device compiles the images to create a 3D model that our team can easily review. With enhanced imaging of your teeth, jaws, bones, nerve pathways, blood vessels, and more, we can better prepare dental implant and root canal treatment plans for more accurate and precise results.

Soft Tissue Laser

Hand holding a pen like dental laser device

When treating uneven gumlines, we can avoid the use of scalpels and sutures and instead turn to our soft tissue laser. Capable of creating a more comfortable experience for patients, its concentrated beam of light targets only the problem area and reduces the amount of bleeding, swelling, and possible infection. Also, by using our soft tissue laser, we can decrease the time a patient spends recovering at home.